WP Themes Like is an ever-growing collection of curated WordPress themes and templates by different theme shops which you can use to build projects in the style of popular websites. Simply put, “WordPress themes like… anything”.
The purpose of WPTL is to not only list WordPress themes with designs similar to popular websites, but find templates that offer the right feature set for building such projects.
A few examples of popular such searches would be:
- WordPress themes like Medium - you will see great themes for building blogs and editorial websites
- WordPress themes like Facebook - themes with social network features (mainly BuddyPress integration)
- WordPress themes like Amazon or Aliexpress and E-bay - ecommerce themes that accommodate many categories and have various product indexes
- WordPress themes like YouTube - themes tailored for video content
- WordPress themes like Squarespace - for this category we will list themes with outstanding clean and minimal designs
- WordPress themes like Kickstarter or IndieGogo - crowdfunding platforms with integrated payment gateways
And many more. The WordPress development market is ever-expanding and there will always be fresh interesting products to check out. Here are the latest themes added to the collection:
Credits and special thanks:
- WPThemesLike.io is crafted from scratch (design + code) and maintained (content) by 🦄 Andrei Josan with ❤️ for WordPress, web performance, usability and fun little details.
- The amazing SVG hero image on the WordPress theme shops page is made by Matthew Lipman at SVGBackgrounds.com.